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I am posting fashion, beauty tips, some pictures, and debates about controversial topics and things that come up in my own life. Please comment and follow, it's very much appreciated!


My favorite item: American Eagle Worn Midnight Jeans

These dark skinnies are AMAZING. They have a 4.5 star rating and are American Eagle's bestseller. My sister and I both have a pair, and we both love them! Although she is a 2 and I'm a 00, the jeans work on anyone, not just thin girls, say customers.
These jeans fit super well, and the color is a beautiful dark blue. It instantly slims and improves your self confidence! As for comfort, they could almost be jeggings, which is saying a lot. (For those of you out there who don't know this, jeggings are constantly criticized, but they feel GREAT.)
I hope you all go out and buy these jeans right now, and take advantage of American Eagle's denim sale.

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